Part 2:
Creating A Perfect Business Presence on Instagram

A. A Bird’s-Eye View of Your Instagram Page

Note: On Instagram, yu can convert your personal profile to a business account to access features that can help you grow your business

Explore how to set up a Instagram For Business Account:

B. A Bird’s-Eye View of Your Instagram Account

C. Step By Step Instructions

Step 1

Log In in using your personal Instagram account


If you don’t have a personal account:

  1. Download the Instagram app for iOS, Android or Windows
  2. Open the app and tap Sign up

Step 2

After signing in from your personal account:

  1. Go to your profile and tap Menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Select Account
  4. Select Add New Professional Account option

Step 3

Select Continue

Step 4

Select a category that describes your business best

Step 5

Select Business

Step 6

If you plan to connect your Instagram and Facebook business accounts, select NEXT

Step 7

1. Add your phone number

2. Create Username & Password

You have successfully created an account, below are next steps.

Step 8

Complete your profile

  • Go back to your profile page,
  • and click “Edit your profile.”
  • Here, you can add a photo, bio, and website link. Need help with writing bios? Click here.
  • If you switched from a personal account, consider changing the photo, name, and username to reflect your business.

Using your brand’s logo and business name makes it easier for customers to find you on Instagram. You can make a logo in minutes if you don’t have a design yet.

Step 9

Invite contacts to follow

Step 10

Track your performance

Need help with writing description?

Click Here for some examples